My BIG boy is finally one! I will post pictures from his amazing birthday party soon... I promise!
Today he had his check up and I'm happy to report he's doing great! Growing and healthy as can be! Here are his stats:
Height: 28 3/4 inches (18.19%)
Weight: 17 pounds, 14 ounces (1.27%)
Still a little guy, but we now know we just produce little babies! He has hit a growth spurt in the past two weeks and isn't showing signs of slowing down. So I'm sure those numbers will be changing soon!
Other than still trying to control his asthma and acid reflux, he's doing great. We are trying a new medicine (and a few new tricks) to help get things calmed down, but she is very pleased with how he's doing.
He's a very happy little boy who definitely keeps us on our toes (definitely the mischievous one of the two boys)! He's not quite walking on his own, although I think he really can. He will barely hold on to your one finger, and if he has BOTH of your fingers - well, you're basically running to keep up with him! The other day I caught him standing up in the middle of the room playing with a toy... not holding on to anything! And if he's crawling? Well you'd better start sprinting to keep up! He has definitely tested our baby proofing of the house, but I guess that's not a bad thing!
My favorite thing he's doing right now happens when I go to take his picture. The minute the little orange light comes on (right before the picture takes), he wrinkles his nose and makes the cutest (orneriest) grin you've ever seen! It's just too cute!
I promise to get the pictures posted from the weekend celebration soon!
12 years ago
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