Today we took Sean to see the endocrinologist to see how he has progressed in the past year. We got some GREAT news! At this time, NO GROWTH HORMONES!!! On average, doctors like to see a child Sean's age grow no less than 4 cm in a year. Since our last visit, Sean grew 6.8 cm! That's about 2 1/2 inches, which for him, is great! He's still not on the chart, but showed a great incline closer to the line.
But with that, comes the "bad" news (if you can call it that). Last year he weighed in at 26 1/4 pounds. This year, he weighs 27 1/2. Unfortunately, that is not good as he is beginning to grow, but level in weight. They really need him to gain more weight. She mentioned a disease (that begins with an "S" that neither Jamie nor I can remember), but looked up his lab work and he has been tested for it. It's basically when your body doesn't process wheat. Since he complains all the time of his tummy hurting, she wants to monitor this closely. So every six months, we'll go in for a weight check and blood work here locally. We'll go back to see her in one year to see what's happening with his weight. But the good news here, is that her office is moving to Springfield, IL in June of this year! If it has continued to level off, then we will have to run further tests to see what seems to be the problem. In the meantime, we are going to try to pump him full of healthy, but fatty, non-empty caloric foods, which with him being a picky eater is going to be a task! (Seriously, I'm bummed that he isn't gaining weight, but how unfair... I wish I could transfer some of my body fat! LOL!)
I realize that the good news should outweigh the bad, and it does, but part of me is still frustrated that we can't just officially move on. BUT, this is God's plan and we can handle this. Sean was a trooper all day (7 hours in the car for a less than one hour appointment) - I'm just so proud of him! I am thrilled with the news about his growth though and just know it's thanks to the prayers of our friends and family. Thank you all for your continued support and know that it means the world to us!!!
12 years ago
I think you're thinking of celiac disease.
Yep - that's it... thanks Aubrey!
That's great news!! I will continue praying for Sean to gain some weight. If he complains about food, just tell him someday he'll be wishing the doctor was telling him to eat more. :)
Love the new? blog layout. I always read through Google Reader, so I hadn't seen the prettiness until just now. Yay for Sean's growth! If you need any extra weight, I have PLENTY I would be happy to share (:
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