Upon further examination of his head, I noticed he had another bump on the right side of his head as well. Mommy-freak mode was now in full swing.

I examined them the best I could (with a wiggly five year old), and didn't see any bite marks, thinking maybe spider bite (?), so I called the doctor. In typical Saturday doctor's office fashion, they saw no "acute" need, so they said they could get him in sometime in October. Um, no. Apparently you didn't hear me when I said my son has two lumps on his head. October is not acceptable. I hung up the phone and texted Jamie a picture of Sean's head, and we decided that we should take him in to convenient care.
Turns out that he had a sebaceous cyst, and warm compresses and an antibiotic would do the trick. I'm SO glad we took him in, because by the afternoon, it looked like this.

Fortunately, we are on the up swing, and are seeing major improvement already!!
Um, seriously? I would have done the same thing you did. What causes these cysts??
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