*Warning: Picture overload.*
Ah July. My beloved birthday month. For those of you I'm NOT friends with on facebook, let me give you an explanation of why I love my birthday so much. Yes, I admit I love to be spoiled a little (okay, maybe a lot), and I love being treated extra special, but it's SO much more than that. Why wouldn't I celebrate another year full of blessings? Why wouldn't I love the fact that God gave me another year to watch my children grow, celebrate another year of marriage with my husband, celebrate another year of memories with my friends and family, for they have all made me who I am today! But I'm getting ahead of myself... let's start at the beginning of the month.
The fourth of July was another fun day spent swimming at my parents. Like usual, it was 1,000 degrees, so the pool almost felt like bath water! It was still a nice relaxing day, and I'm always happy when Jamie doesn't have to work.
We had a couple of days where the heat "broke" (aka, it was 90), so we tried to spend a little time outside. You know it's bad when you welcome 90+ degree heat, and even sit out on your deck to test out the new fire bowl! Speaking of, Jamie completely redid our deck in Cedar, added a food prep station, two burners, and a cool cabinet. Other than a brick oven, we have our outdoor kitchen! My favorite part, however, is the amazing fire bowl he made. It is SO much prettier in person. Come on over and check it out!

The middle of the month was less than "happy", if you will. On July 19th, Nathan had surgery to remove his tonsils and adenoids. Fortunately, the surgery went very well, and he's doing great. However, from the point where they had us back in the recovery room as he was waking up (THIS.WAS.HORRIBLE), to the 10 days of hell as far as his sleeping, I could have done without. He was such a trooper though, and I'm so, so proud of him!
Here he is (very early) waiting for surgery to begin. My Mom and Dad came to the SurgiCenter with us, which was wonderful. Something about your parents being there gives you that sense of calm. Plus, Nathan was ALL about Grandma and Papa. :-)

Once we got home, he finally calmed down, and slept for a good part of the day. I loved the cuddle time, and was thrilled that he wanted something to eat when he woke up. Look at his eyes though... isn't that so pathetic?

Get well balloons from my sweet friend, Amy, and her sons

The end of the month was definitely cause for celebration. My sweet baby was finally feeling (and sleeping) better, and the Lord blessed me with another year! Of course the celebrations were many, so I'll just share a few (okay, several) of my favorite photos.
S'mores with my family (my FAVORITE dessert)

Dinner with my friends

Me and the hubs :-)