Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Guess who's SIX?

Mario is really excited to wish Sean a Happy Birthday... in fact, check out what he did so that he could be the first to wish him HB in the morning?? Sneaky little fella.

I cannot BELIEVE that my baby is six. SIX. Ugh, how is that possible? I so vividly remember his birth and that sweet, sweet face. I remember thinking, "I'm a mom. A mom! Me." I sometimes still am in awe of this blessing God has given us. The pure joy, love, and heartache that comes with being a parent. Watching this beautiful child grow, develop, learn... it's just amazing to me.

And he's six.


I cannot believe six years have gone by. When they tell you to cherish it, because it goes by so quickly, I really didn't get it until this moment. Oh how I love you my sweet Sean, and I am so excited to celebrate your birthday today!
