Sunday, March 29, 2009

Who needs a step stool when you have this?

I mean, step stools are great and all, but when you have an old dog that can do the trick, why not! I couldn't help but laugh at this video that Jamie took of Sean using Seabass to climb on the couch. What a good dog!!!


Kayla said...

That is too funny!

I do agree with your comment on my blog. Illinois is very pretty in some parts, and I enjoy having actual seasons. (I was in love with the brilliant leaves in the fall!)
I guess what I meant by "blah" state is that it doesn't really have anything to distinguish it for outsiders. I used to always get it confused with Indiana and couldn't have pointed it out on a map before this year (embarrassing, right?) I mean, Texas is the biggest (contiguous) state. And Illinois does have Chicago (which is awesome!), but Texas has Dallas, Austin, Houston, San Antonio. I guess I will just have to learn more about what makes Illinois awesome, so I can educate the other Texans. :)